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6 Frequently Asked Questions About Worker’s Compensation

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Worker’s comp coverage can be complex and difficult to understand. Most of the time, coverage is based on each individual case. But there are a few commonly asked questions about worker’s comp, and this article takes a closer look at some of them.

What on-the-job injuries are covered by worker’s compensation?

Worker’s comp covers most, but not all, job-related injuries. While there are some limits, worker’s comp is designed to provide benefits to injured employees. Coverage may be denied in situations involving:

  • Injuries sustained while a worker was committing a crime
  • Injuries sustained when an employee was not on the job
  • Injuries that were self-inflicted
  • Injuries sustained when an employee’s conduct violated company policy

A local attorney will be able to help you decide if your case should be covered by worker’s comp or not.

Do you have to be at your workplace to be covered?

As long as your injury is work-related, it does not have to happen while at work. If you’re doing a job-related errand or even at a work-related social function, your injury should be covered.

Are all employees covered by worker’s comp?

An employer’s responsibility to provide worker’s comp coverage usually depends on how many employees they have and what kind of work they’re doing. Additionally, each state excludes certain types of workers from compensation benefits, like farm workers and seasonal workers.

Are only injuries covered under worker’s comp or are long-term problems covered too?

An injury does not necessarily need to be caused by an accident to be covered. Injuries such as those caused by overuse or misuse over a long period of time can also be covered by workers comp. Ailments like heart conditions and stress-related digestive problems may also be covered.

Can you be treated by your normal physician?

Injured employees are often referred to a doctor recruited by their employers. The doctor’s report will have a significant impact on what benefits you receive for your injury. Keep in mind that this doctor is being paid for by your employer’s insurance and you should be careful what background details you give them.

Can you sue your employer over a work-related injury?

If you are injured due to the negligence of your employer, then you may sue your employer in court for a variety of damages. In fact, 85% of worker’s comp claims are made due to employees slipping on wet floors. If you think your employer is responsible for your injury, you should contact a local attorney to assist you with your case.

Workers compensation benefits can assist you in paying for any medical bills but also provide disability payments when you are unable to work. Speaking with a local attorney will ensure you receive the proper compensation for your injury.