
Mon - Thurs 08:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri 08:30 AM - 3:00 PM

The Best Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Arkansas

Scot Allison, Jarid Kinder, Criag Cook, and Brinkley Cook-Campbell have 40+ years of experience in Arkansas and Oklahoma
Click here to book your FREE initial consultation now

What is Medical Malpractice?

When people are injured or ill and seek medical help, they place their trust in the hands of the medical professionals who treat them. 

Unfortunately, doctors sometimes make mistakes and cause severe injuries or fatalities to their patients. According to researchers from John Hopkins University, medical malpractice is a very pervasive problem. 

In fact, it is the third leading cause of fatalities in the U.S. An estimated 250,000 people die in the U.S. each year because of medical errors, and many more are injured. That’s why a medical malpractice lawyer can be so helpful.

Suffering injuries because of the malpractice of your doctor or other health care professionals can cause worsened symptoms, permanent disabilities, or a poor prognosis. 

If you have been injured by medical errors, or your loved one died because of a medical mistake, you may want to talk to an experienced medical malpractice lawyer at the Law Offices of Craig L. Cook. 

We have more than 40 years of experience helping the victims of medical malpractice recover compensation for their losses.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers Holding Negligent Physicians Accountable

At the Law Offices of Craig L. Cook, your medical malpractice lawyer will explain that doctors, hospitals, and nurses often try to cover up malpractice.

When the care that doctors provide falls below the standard of care that is expected of other reasonable doctors in similar cases, the doctors may be held liable for medical malpractice claims. When you hold a doctor accountable for malpractice, you may recover damages to compensate you for your losses.

Your claim may also put others on notice about the doctors’ substandard care, which may protect them from medical malpractice.

Our lawyers retain medical experts to review medical records and nurses’ notes so that we can determine whether the doctors’ care fell below their expected standards of care. 

If your doctor made a mistake that caused you injury, we may agree to accept representation and advocate for you to recover the maximum damages for your losses.

Types of Medical Malpractice

There are many different types of medical malpractice that can occur when you seek treatment. Our lawyers will review your injury and its cause to determine the type of malpractice that may have been committed in your case. 

Some of the most common types of malpractice include the following:

  • Bed Sores
  • Falls
  • Sepsis
  • Short Staffing

Bed sores is one of the tell tell signs of understaffing by a medical care provider. These occur when the medical care provider, hospital, rehabilitation facility or physician, does not adequately staff for the patients. Additionally to cut corners the facility will not properly assess, not have the proper mattresses and fail to turn the patient as directed in the care plan or other orders set out in the medical record. It is one of the classic signs of putting profits over people.

Falls is another indication of understaffing. Falls occur after a patient has been assessed to be a fall risk. In order to prevent falls there needs to be certain interventions put in place. Some of those interventions are moving the patient closer to nurses station, take out all hazards in the floor, if sittiing on bedside commoe do not administer medications that makes a higher fall risk, respond to the call light in a timely and urgent fashion, leave the door open into the room, offer a sitter or advise the family that a family member should stay in the room, skid resistant socks, warnings on the door on wall of a fall risk and a bed alarm to alert the medical care provider the patient has left the bed.

Sepsis can occur in with a medical care provider, such as a hospital also due to short staffing. This leads to failure to properly monitor the patient in the input, output, fever if any, response to stimuli etc.

Short staffing is probably the root cause of most issues with patient care. There is a conscious decision to save money by not having staffing. All of the above issues can be traced to short staffing. The saying putting profits over people can be no more true when it comes to staffing decisions by medical care providers, hospitals.

The medical malpractice lawyers at the Law Offices of Craig L. Cook are equipped to handle these types of medical malpractice claims and many others.

Upon reviewing your medical documents, we can give you an honest assessment of your potential claim. If we accept your case, we will work to secure damages to fully compensate you for your losses.

We may also seek punitive damages against the negligent doctors or hospitals to deter them from engaging in similar behavior in the future.

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Looking for Legal Service With Global Quality?

Being the victim of medical errors may leave you with a permanently diminished quality of life. Our lawyers are dedicated to helping the malpractice victims recover maximal damages for their losses.

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