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Disability Claims By The Numbers

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Personal injury cases are becoming more and more common these days. As many are discovering, the financial stability afforded by these settlements is the one thing that allows people to live their normal lives, regardless of their injury or illness. If you’re facing a serious injury and you are thinking about filing a disability claim, you’re probably also facing plenty of medical bills and are unable to go back to work to support yourself. From workers compensation claims to car accident injury settlements, there are many ways that individuals can be covered after a serious accident.

This is a complicated part of the legal field, but it’s also one of the most interesting practice areas that personal injury lawyers handle. Here are a few statistics related to disability claims that will show you the gravity of this practice area:

  • 3,007,300: The number of workplace injuries that were reported in 2013. There are approximately 29 million Americans who are covered under workers compensation laws, but it’s important to note that not every state requires businesses to provide this type of insurance for employees. (Only 74% of states do require it, in fact.)
  • 64.2 million: The number of Americans who receive benefits from the Social Security Administration. A large portion of benefits paid through Social Security programs goes to individuals who are unable to work because of a disability.
  • 28,000: The number of infants globally who are born with an injury. This works out to equal about three new infants, every single hour, who have birth injuries right from the start. Although some of these injuries can’t be prevented, but many of them are the result of medical malpractice. Either way, it’s important that these individuals receive the financial coverage they need.

One in four: Studies show that one in four Millennials (those currently in their 20s) will become disabled before reaching age 67. This is pretty scary, especially considering that retirement funds and Social Security funds are petering out year after year.

All in all, if you’re suffering from a disability yourself, filing a disability claim might be the best way to support yourself. There’s certainly no shame in admitting that you were involved in a car accident or were injured at work. You might just find that you’re far from alone.