
Mon - Thurs 08:30 AM - 5:00 PM

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Abuse from nursing home negligence

Are you a victim of abuse in a nursing home?

Each year, more than 23,000 Arkansans receive services in long-term care facilities licensed and inspected by the Office Of Long-Term Care (OLTC). Long-term care facilities include nursing homes, where physical and mental abuse is unfortunately common. 

According to the Nursing Home Abuse Center, as many as 1 in 3 older adults are victims of this. If you or a loved one has been abused, we offer our deepest condolences. We also know that one of the most useful resources for victims is compensation. 

Here at The Law Offices of Craig L. Cook, we want to help you receive money in exchange for what you’ve endured. Combined, we have over 60 years of experience helping clients affected by this injustice. We are here to help you file a complaint, prove nursing home negligence, and receive the compensation you so rightly deserve. 

If you’re wondering whether or not personal injury lawyers handle nursing home abuse cases, the answer is yes. All you need to do is book a free consultation with us to get started in your search for compensation.  


What is nursing home abuse?

Nursing home abuse is the harm a resident suffers due to staff or management. Abuse can be intentional or unintentional acts, including nursing home negligence

Woman in wheelchair with her caregiver

Common types and signs of nursing home abuse

Unfortunately, there are many different ways abuse can manifest. Some of these include:

  • Neglect
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Financial exploitation
  • Emotional and psychological abuse

Signs of nursing home abuse and neglect could include any of the following:

  • Sepsis
  • Dehydration
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Bedsores or pressure sores
  • Fearful or withdrawn behavior
  • Reports of mistreatment from the resident
  • Restrictions on private visits with loved ones
  • Poor hygiene or unclean conditions (urine, feces, etc.)
  • Suspicious financial activity, such as checks written to staff members
  • Unexplained injuries (e.g., skin tears, black eyes, fractures from falls)

In a 2020 World Health Organization study, 2 out of 3 nursing home staff members admitted to abusing residents. That is unacceptable. There are rules for these facilities that should be followed, and it is within your right as a patient or someone looking after a patient to report any violation of these rules. 

How to recognize nursing home abuse

Sometimes, abuse isn’t obvious. You may be asking yourself, “How do we recognize it?” The most effective way to notice common signs of abuse and neglect in nursing homes is to pay attention to the patient and their surroundings. 

holding the hand of an elderly patient

How is their mood?

• Is their mood bad because they’re in a bad mood, or is something bigger going on?

How is their speech? 

• Has their communication changed, or are they speaking like they normally do given their level of cognitive ability?

Do they appear thinner? 

•  Weight loss may signal malnutrition. Taking note of someone’s weight over a period of time can be a good way to gauge adequate eating habits. Things like low blood sugar could also indicate malnutrition (or medication mismanagement). 

What color is their urine?

• This may indicate dehydration. Are they drinking enough liquids throughout the day? Dehydration in the elderly can be a serious problem.

How is the staff treating them? 

• Notice how the patient responds to staff members and how staff members interact with them. 

Are other residents concerned? 

• Listen to and take seriously any reports from other residents. 

What is the level of cleanliness? 

• Does the patient appear well-groomed? Are their clothes and undergarments clean? Is their space well-kept?

Is their skin clear of unexplained marks? 

• Bruises, sores, and cuts or other marks are causes for concern.

Are there medical reports of any mysterious injuries? 

• Any injuries, related to a fall or not, should be investigated.

Is there money missing from their accounts/personal belongings such as a purse? 

• This could indicate stealing or the patient’s mismanagement of their own funds.

These are just some of the many questions that can be asked when determining the level of care someone is receiving. Some of these signs aren’t necessarily indications of abuse or neglect. 

For example, someone’s mood could indicate that they are tired rather than a sign they are being mistreated. Frequent visitors, if concerned, could keep a log of any noticeable changes. This may come in handy when you get a lawyer for your case.  

4 Steps to take if you suspect nursing home abuse

You may be wondering what you can do if you think abuse is present. Here are some steps anyone can take to address the issue:

  1. Make sure the person experiencing the abuse gets to a safe environment where they can be provided with the medical attention necessary given their state of health. 
  2. Document any evidence that may indicate abuse is present. 
  3. Report the situation to the proper authorities.
  4. Contact an attorney.

Our process for abuse

someone filing a lawsuit against a nursing home

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how we as a law firm work to resolve nursing home negligence cases

  1. We meet with you for an initial consultation. 
  2. We gather evidence. 
  3. We file a complaint with the proper authorities. 
  4. We file a lawsuit. 
  5. We enter the discovery phase. 
  6. We negotiate or go to trial. 

How your loved one can achieve justice

Nursing home abuse cases can be worth a lot of money. Depending on the case, the average settlement in the United States for this type of lawsuit is $400,000. This number can vary significantly depending on the type of abuse, severity of the injury, evidence of liability, and other surrounding circumstances. 

Clients may be compensated for the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages

If you’d like an estimate of how much your case is worth, book a free consultation with us so we can review your individual case. 

Think you’ve witnessed abuse?

Being the victim of abuse or neglect in a long-term care facility can leave you with emotional distress on top of the physical or mental injury. Our lawyers are dedicated to helping these victims recover maximal damages for their losses. Contact us today to embark on a journey of justice. 

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