
Mon - Thurs 08:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Fri 08:30 AM - 3:00 PM

When parents decide to split up and file for divorce, one of the hardest things they have to figure out is childcare for the kids. This decision can be very difficult and emotional for both parents. They need to consider factors like work schedules, living arrangements, and financial resources. It’s important for both parents to … Read more

Two people discussing a divorce process.

Divorce is a challenging process, emotionally and legally. When couples decide to part ways, they are faced with numerous decisions, one of which is whether their divorce will be contested or uncontested. Understanding the distinction between these two types of divorce is crucial, as it influences the duration, cost, and overall experience of the dissolution … Read more

Scott Allsion headshot.

Scot Allison is a graduate of the University of Arkansas School of Law. In 2013, he began his legal career working as a Deputy Public Defender for Washington County, where he represented clients who were accused of felony and misdemeanor criminal charges. In 2018, he took an attorney position at Legal Aid of Arkansas, where … Read more

If you reach a point in your marriage at which you no longer want to remain with your spouse, you can choose to file a petition for divorce or legal separation. Most people generally understand divorces, but what happens when you file for a legal separation? For a basic overview of legal separation in Arkansas … Read more

If you are preparing to file for divorce or already have a divorce case pending, using an alternative dispute resolution method like mediation might help you save time and money. Mediation is a process in which both parties meet with a third-party mediator who is trained in helping people negotiate with one another to resolve … Read more

If you are considering divorce, you may find the process unfamiliar and confusing. Unfortunately, many people make the process of divorce out to be much more difficult than it actually can be. There are many myths surrounding the divorce process that can make the process even more confusing than it already is. So to help … Read more

Divorces are never easy and can often get quite messy. If you’re going through a divorce, it’s important you find an experienced divorce lawyer. While your lawyer may walk you through the entire process, asset division is something you should know about ahead of time. Dividing assets between two people can be very complex, so … Read more

If you are going through a divorce, you want to make sure you have a reputable attorney by your side. The divorce process can be sticky, and with the complexity of the law and heightened emotions, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Since this can be a challenging experience, having a divorce attorney to … Read more

Divorce is a difficult and emotional legal procedure. That is why it is so important that you take the time to really consider your choices when hiring a local divorce attorney. After all, with such important issues like custody, spousal support, the division of assets, and more on the line, you want to be sure … Read more

Two people discussing a divorce process.

Divorce is a difficult time in any person’s life, marked by change and uncertainty. But there is also a great deal of hope and opportunity, too. Unfortunately, too many people fall into the trap of focusing on the most negative aspects during a divorce: about their spouse, about the situation, and about life in general. … Read more